Why do zebras have stripes?
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Why do leopards, jaguars, and cheetahs have spots?

For the same reason tigers have stripes: to help them hide while hunting. The cats’ coloration blends with tall grass, and the shifting shadows beneath trees and brush. Leopards, for instance, become virtually invisible when they sneak up on prey before pouncing at the last instant.

A cheetah’s spots cover nearly its entire body and may serve as camouflage by offsetting shadows in the gray-hued grasses they inhabit. Camouflage is not only essential for stalking prey but also for protecting cheetah cubs from predators

The jaguar is covered in ‘rosettes’ for camouflage in its jungle habitat. The spots vary over individual coats and between individual Jaguars. The ‘rosettes’ may include one or several dots and the shape of the dots varies. The spots on the head and neck are generally solid, as are those on the tail, where they may merge to form a band. The underbelly, throat and outer surface of the legs and lower flanks are white.


Picture Credit : Google

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