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What is the career in the field of sustainable architecture?

“A building is alive, like a man… Its maker gives it the soul and every wall, window and stairway to express it.” – Ayn Rand, “The Fountainhead”.

And it’s the architects who breathe life into buildings.

With the recent push towards sustainability, there is growing awareness around mindful construction in conjunction with nature. This has given rise to a fresh wave of architects who are designing eco-friendly spaces.

What is sustainable architecture?

The building and construction industry is one of the major contributors of greenhouse gas emissions. So sustainable architecture seeks to reduce the impact on the environment at every stage. This is done using locally available resources, natural materials, energy efficient and climate-friendly methods.

What to study?

To work as an architect, aspirants need a Bachelors in Architecture (B.Arch) and Masters in Architecture (M.Arch). Students from the science stream are eligible to pursue these degrees. Recently, many institutes have been offering  postgraduate specialisations in Sustainable or Green Architecture. Some institutes also provide one year diploma or short-term courses on specific subjects such as energy efficiency, rainwater harvesting, water management, sustainable building materials and waste management.

Where to study


  • National Institute of Technology, Calicut: B.Arch
  • School of Planning and Architecture, Vijaywada: M.Arch in Sustainable Architecture
  • Rachna Sansad’s Institute of Environment, Mumbai: Masters in Environmental Architecture
  • National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu: M.Arch in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Architecture.
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune: M. Arch (Sustainable Architecture).
  • Centre for Environmental Planning and Technologuy University, Ahmedabad: Masters in Urban Design, and M.Arch in Conservation and Regeneration
  • Sir J.J.School of Architecture, Mumbai: B.Arch and M. Arch


  • Nottingham University, the U.K.: M.Arch (Architecture and Sustainable Design)
  • University of Greenwich, the U.K.: M.Sc (Sustainable Building Design and Engineering)
  • University of Leeds, School of Earth & Environment, the U.K.: M.Sc (Sustainable Cities)
  • Centre for Alternative Technology, Graduate School of the Environment, the U.K.: M.Sc Sustainability and adaptation in the Built Environment; M.Sc Green Building, and M. Arch (Sustainable Architecture).
  • National University of Singapore: Masters in Urban Design

Required skills

  • Enhanced design abilities
  • Technical and software skills
  • A holistic perspective of environmental sustainability
  • Knowledge of global and local environmental issues
  • Ability to come up with innovative solutions


In India, green building rating systems such as the Indian Green Building Council’s rating system and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment offer training courses and opportunities to accreditation for green building professionals.


Picture Credit : Google

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