How does a radio work?
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How does television work?

Did you know that the pictures on TV are a jumble of red, green, and blue dots? When you sit across the room, the dots blend into the images you see.

At the television station, a camera records the picture and sound from the scene you are watching. Mirrors in the camera split light from the scene into red, green, and blue. A tube in the camera changes the light to radio signals. The television station broadcasts the programme to your home.

TV antenna, cable, or satellite dish A receives many broadcast signals at once. The television tuner is used to select the signal for the TV channel you want to see. The tuner passes this signal to the amplifier. The amplifier separates the sound from the pictures.

The sound goes to the speakers. The picture signal is sent to a decoder. The decoder sends the signal to the electron guns. There is one gun for each colour red, blue, and green. The electron guns zip across the screen in weak or strong bursts of light. These bursts form the picture you see on the screen.


Picture Credit : Google

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