Why do I sneeze?
January 9, 2019
Why do I upchuck when I get sick?
January 9, 2019
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How do I sneeze?

You don’t have to do anything. Sneezing is a lightning-fast involuntary reaction, in which your chest, stomach, throat, and face muscles work together to blast particles from your nasal passages. The whole process lasts less than three seconds, and it propels spit, boogers, chewed food, and other particles from your nose and mouth at nearly 100 miles per hour (mph) or 161 kph.

When a foreign particle enters your nose, it may interact with the tiny hairs and delicate skin that line your nasal passage. These particles and contaminants range from smoke, pollution, and perfume to bacteria, mold, and dander.

When the delicate lining of your nose experiences the first tinge of a foreign substance, it sends an electric signal to your brain. This signal tells your brain that the nose needs to clear itself. The brain signals your body that it’s time for a sneeze, and your body responds by preparing itself for the impending contraction. In most cases, the eyes are forced shut, the tongue moves to the roof of the mouth, and the muscles brace for the sneeze. All of this happens in just a few seconds.


Picture Credit : Google

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