I am a 13-year old girl studying in class VII. I am interested in working with birds. What are the courses that I can do?
November 1, 2018
Fertile minds
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Creative corridors

                                                                                                I am a student of class XII and want to pursue a career in animation. I want to know about the entrance procedure of NID, Ahmadabad. Please give me guidance about how to prepare for the examination.

In the entrance test you will be asked to do things that will test your sense of color, your understanding of proportion , and your ability to visualize. Say, you might be asked to make a color paper collage. You might be asked to draw an object, or you might be asked to visualize something fifty years from now. You should also start maintain a portfolio: preserve properly whatever you draw or make; get in the habit of observing: critically viewing ads, movies, photographs or any other art object. This understanding will also be put to test.


Picture Credit : Google

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