December 22, 2018

Where did I get my genes?

While you admire your good looks in the mirror, don’t forget to thank your parents. Genes come in pairs: one from Mom and other from Dad. […]
December 22, 2018

Why do some kids look less like their parents than other kids do?

  You can’t always guess a child’s appearance just by looking at his or her parents. The study of genes – called genetics – is achieving […]
December 22, 2018

Why do I have blood?

A mix of special cells and liquid ‘’plasma,’’ blood delivers all the good stuff (oxygen vitamins, minerals, and chemicals called hormones) to the cell in your […]
December 22, 2018

Why do I have a skeleton?

  Remove all your bones – along with the joints and muscles pinned to them – and you’d end up a shapeless, motionless bag of blood […]